Sex Offender Classification
Ohio Offenses under Adam Walsh Act Tiers
The Adam Walsh Act, or Adam’s list, is a federal sex-offender list, used by states, that classifies sex-offenses into either tier I, tier II, or tier III, based on a particular criminal conviction. Under the Act, states are required to disclose tier II and tier III offenders. Depending on the tier, convicted individuals have particular requirements placed on them. The purpose of this Act is to universalize the way sex-offenses are recognized, along with the requirements placed on them.
In Ohio, individuals convicted of a sex-offense are responsible for registering with the County Sheriff regularly, depending on the tier requirements, and must report any change of residential address, place of employment, or enrollment in a school or institution of higher education. A failure to register and fulfill the requirements placed on a convicted individual is considered a felony offense.
Tier I
- Importuning 2907.07
- Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor 2907.04 (B)(2), unless consensual, case then not registration offense
- Voyeurism 2907.08 (C) and (D) against a minor
- Sexual Imposition 2907.06
- Gross Sexual Imposition 2907.05 (A)(1)-(3) (5)
- Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity-oriented Material or Performance 2907.323 (A)(3) (AWA non-Ohio)
- Voyeurism 2907.08 (A)(B) & (E) (Ohio, non-AWA)
- Child Enticement 2905.05 (sexual motivation) (Ohio, non-AWA)
Tier II
- Compelling Prostitution 2907.21
- Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor 2907.321
- Pandering Sexually Oriented Material Involving a Minor 2907.322
- Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity-oriented Material or Performance 2907.323 (A)(1) & (2)
- Child Endangering 2919.22 (B)(5)
- Kidnapping with Sexual Motivation 2905.01 (A)(1)(3)(5)
- Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor 2907.04 (B)(1)(3)(4)
- Any Sexual Offense that occurs after the offender has been classified as a Tier I sex offender
Tier III

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